C-372/99  Comisia/Italia

24 ianuarie 2002

"14. It should be noted that in its judgment in Joined Cases C-240/98 to C-244/98 Ocèano Grupo Editorial et Salvat Editores [2000] ECR I-4941, paragraph 27) the Court held that the system of protection laid down by the Directive is based on the notion that the imbalance between the consumer and the seller or supplier may only be corrected by positive action unconnected with the actual parties to the contract. That is why Article 7 of the Directive, paragraph 1 of which requires Member States to implement adequate and effective means to prevent the continued use of unfair terms, specifies in paragraph 2 that those means are to include allowing authorised consumer associations to take action in order to obtain a decision as to whether contract terms drawn up for general use are unfair and, where appropriate, to have them prohibited."

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